Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"The death penalty is murder and should be abolished", do you agree?

The death sentence, in Singapore, is meted up by the judge when a person has committed murder to another person. This is a move made by the legislature in Singapore, to punish the murderer fairly, so as to give an accountability to the murdered family.

The rationale is, in my opinion, the old saying, "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". But to think it this way, is it absolutely necessary to defy nature, and take another person's life away, because he killed another person?

Some people might actually feel strongly for or against the death sentence, but, I, as an individual, is caught between both these opinions. I feel that the death sentence is necessary to deter the murder offence from occuring again. But then again, if the death sentence is supposed to deter, it is not very useful, because there are still so many murder cases happening everyday, all around the world. I feel that the death sentence is, in a sense, the taking away of life of a person. Whatever the rationale, I feel that it is a type of murder, just that it is legalised murder. Taking life artificially away, is rebelling against nature, when we should be preserving every form of life in mother nature. In a naturalist point of view, I think the death sentence should be abolished.

So to abolish or not to abolish? That is the question.

In my opinion, if the death sentence were to be abolished, many people would take it to be the condoning of murders in today's society. The number of murders might increase, because the murderers would not have to pay for their crimes with their lives. They might deem it more worthwhile to kill someone because of person hatred, and not pay for it with an equal price.

As a personal believer of "what goes around comes around", I feel that the death sentence is the murderer's just deserts for committing the murder crime, and should not be abolished, so as to serve as a warning to other people contemplating the murder crime, and to serve as accountability for the murdered' family.

1 comment:

Maung SNZ, Cloud said...

Caught between both sides huh? Lolz. At least your views will be rather objective.

Many DP-supporters will use deterrence as one of their reasons on why the DP should not be abolished. But, upon more research, is that the case? One link that is worth checking out is:

I agree with your point that DP is a type of murder. Although it is legalised murder, it involves the killing of a person who can't even defend himself at the point of execution. We also have to think about the possibilities of executions being applied on innocent people.

I also agree that taking life artificially away is rebelling against nature. Life is a gift from nature, a gift from our parents. It will be an absolute sinful act to take a person's life away when he is not willing to die. The person may have committed murder, which is already sinful enough. If the state executes him, the state is committing sin too.

Should the DP be abolished, the number of murders will not necessarily increase. Even if they do, an alternative yet more effective penalty should be life imprisonment. This way, the murderers, though not being made to pay for their crimes with their life directly, they are paying with their time in life. Furthermore, life imprisonment also allows them to turn over a new leaf, as they can be released on parole should they prove worthy to be back in society again.

1 question to contemplate is whether to apply the 'eye for an eye' concept while dealing with whatever situations. This concept is merely revenge. DP may seem as justice to some people, but in reality, it is justice through revenge. DP involves violence, as it causes the prisoner to feel pain, both physically and psychologically. So, by applying the abovementioned concept, we are just commiting revenge through violence. Violence leads to hatred, which leads to vengeance. The cycle repeats itself. Is it really worth it to apply the'eye for an eye concept'?

The abovementioned points are just my views. You may disregard them should you find it necessary. Thank you!!:D